This week I connected a relay to act as a switch between two LED lights on the Arduino. The Code for this, uses the very basic "Blink" sketch found in the default library (Flies > Examples > Basic > Blink). That said the wiring is complicated enough for me to bring up at tomorrow nights Arduino meeting. The cool thing with the relay is that it makes a actual clicking sound as it switches back and forth. There's a transister being used and I need to understand its function better in this schematic as well as the flow of electricity.
Also this week I gave myself some time to actually allow myself to get out and have some fun fishing. This has been more difficult than it sounds as I find myself making excuses with work and other events to actually do some of these activities. Before you know it, a season or opportunity has ended and you find yourself wishing you should of - could of - would of.
To be clear, I'm my own worst enemy of this. Work or other events are not forcing me out of these things. It's me, I need to learn how to stop and smell the roses more often. Life moves pretty fast... If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it [Ferris Bueler's Day Off]. So I'm really happy to report I had a great time finally getting out for two days to do so.
Here's a picture of my cousin pulling in the big haul of 'lil stockies from Casadaga Creek...
On that same note, I finally got out and went turkey hunting after 5 long years of missing the season! I only got one morning in with no luck, but I am extremely grateful for doing this none the less. With a little luck, I'll be out again in 2 more weeks.
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