Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 10 - Arduino Servo Motor & Minecraft Waterway

So this week, I connected a servo motor to the Arduino and played around with it to see how it responds to the delay and had some fun. It was a simple one to put together, but its one I've been looking forward to. I'd like to see what other servo motors are out there. the one i have doesn't respond to the 5 volt battery to well - it only works when plugged into the usb port. None the less, It's cool :)

Also this week I found myself researching different water transport to use inside of Minecraft. I've been wanting a neat system to really take advantage of getting from one area to another by boat inside the game. My goal for this was to make a prototype, and then find the right place to start building it. I got pretty engrossed in the process and made it all the way to making one direction fully dug out and working successfully. Most of the other side is done - just general digging and prepping. It was quite awesome to see it work the way I had hoped to.

I found one example in particular that seemed to work really well. So I built a prototype near the river I was at, and got it working nicely, but I definitely needed to relocate this otherwise it would not reach my destination and it would clutter the winding river turning the scenery into more of an eyesore.

I strategically placed it where it would connect a great distance from one primary lake to the ocean while maintaining the water height at sea level and making a straight line from point a to point b. This was a big project and was happy to get the prototype working and find the right location for it. I honestly thought I'd end this week with at least digging a hole through the ground that a avatar could walk through (2 blocks high), but found myself on a mission and dug roughly 75% of the entire project. One half/direction is completely finished and will transport you from the ocean to the lake in roughly a minute or two (I didn't time it yet).

Thanks for reading and watching the vids and WOOT!! 10 weeks alright!

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